Costa Rica Sunset May 2016 –
“When someone asks me what my favorite color is, I should just say SUNSET.” – Goldfish Kiss
Oh-my-goodness, the sunsets in Costa Rica during the month of May used every crayon in the jumbo 96 Crayola Crayon pack, as well as a couple of those specialty glitter crayons. Seriously, the sunsets in Tamarindo and Nosara (!) were so beautiful and exactly what I have been waiting for the past five months during dry season. Oh, the dramatic skies! But, like anything that involves drama, you never know how a Costa Rica sunset is going to turn out during rainy season. It could be raining all day and consequently, the horizon is all gray masking the sunset. There could be awesome clouds in the sky during sunset, only for the sun to just set without popping colors into the clouds. Or the whole sky can light up, using every Crayon possible, and magic ensues. This is when I am running around on the beach, doing a happy sunset chaser-photographer dance.
Rainy season also means beautiful rainbows. Rainbows are even harder to chase because you never know where one is going to pop up. Senor Lucky Charms has to protect his pot-of-gold somehow, even if it seems that pot-of-gold is right under a palm tree!
And then there is the sunset that happens to the East. Given that Tamarindo is on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and faces West, sunset is over the horizon, the Pacific Ocean. Sometimes during a sunset in Costa Rica, the clouds to the East like to borrow the sunset crayons and light up with beautiful colors. Having the pleasure to chase sunsets in Tamarindo for almost four years, I have learned that sometimes the magic is happening behind me, to the East!
Most of all, I love finding different angles to photograph sunset. The tide in Tamarindo has an 8-9 foot tide swing every day and therefore every afternoon I either have more or less beach to work with. It certainly makes it interesting every night finding new perspectives, even if that moment only happen for 30 seconds!
Enjoy these Costa Rica sunsets for the month of May!
Pura Vida,
P.S. Love these sunsets? Check out more of the Sunset Photography! If you see a sunset you are heed-over-heels in love with, let’s get it printed for your home!
P.P.S. Happy 5 Year Surf-aversary to me! Five years ago I took my first surf lesson and how that lesson changed my life!