Young boy blowing bubbles with his father during his Halloween birthday party in Savannah. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

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Family Photography in Savannah – Cole’s Halloween Bash:

What better way to celebrate a third birthday with friends than on Halloween? Better yet, how about pre-trick-o-treating Halloween bash? Dressed as a scary ghost (or a house painter if looking at the costume from the back!), Cole hosted one heck of a Halloween party! Thanks to all the planning and decorating from Cole’s mom and dad, the kids and their parents had an awesome time at #ColesHalloweenBash. From a Polaroid selfie station photo booth, spooky Halloween treats, to opening all of Cole’s birthday presents, there certainly never was a dull moment.  And despite the above average Southern Fall temperatures in Savannah (ok, it was hot and muggy), the kids and adults alike rocked their Halloween costumes!

Young boy sneaking a treat before his Halloween birthday party. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Birthday boy opening his presents during his Halloween birthday party. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Halloween decorations for boy's birthday party. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Young boy dressed in his Halloween costume in Savannah, Georgia. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Young boys playing during Halloween. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Children playing during Halloween in Savannah. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Children playing during a Halloween birthday party. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

There were cute little lady bugs, a race car driver, Thor, Thomas the Tank Engine, Winnie the Pooh + Piglet + Tigger, enchanting witches, the Incredible Hulk + Captain America + Black Widow, a zoo (monkey, lion, and elephant…oh my!), and Ted. Yep, even Ted attended Cole’s Halloween bash, full bear costume and all. Kudos to Cole’s dad, Steven, for being in Ted character and wearing such a hot costume the majority of the afternoon!!

Halloween costume Ted playing with young children at a birthday party. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Adults dressed in Halloween costumes in Savannah. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Halloween selfie photo booth at Cole's Birthday Bash. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Family photography in Savannah. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Would you believe that in addition to such and awesome birthday party, I was able to whisk Cole, his little sister Gracie, and his mom & dad outside for some quick family photos. Quick as in lightning fast due to pesky mosquitos AND the afternoon heat!! This family sure knows how to transform from Halloween costume to a well dressed!

Family portrait taken at The Landings on Skidaway Island in Savannah, Georgia. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Father and son walking during family photos in Savannah, Georgia. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Little girl holding her big brother's hand during family photos in Savannah. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Black and white photo of a young family in Savannah, Georgia. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Brother hugging his little sister during family photos in Savannah. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Little girl sitting on her big brother's back during family portraits in Savannah. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Siblings posing on the couch during family photos in Savannah. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Young boy tickling his little sister's belly during family photos in Savannah, Georgia. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Black and white family portrait in Savannah, Georgia. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Young boy giving his little sister a kiss on the cheek during family photos in Savannah. Photographed by Savannah family photographer Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

A very Feliz Cumpleaños Cole!



P.S. Are you itching to get your kids off their iPhones and outside exploring with you? Get the checklist for fun, family outdoor activities in Savannah!

P.P.S. Love these photos? Check out my family photography!

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