Harmony Hotel Nosara Costa Rica – Lifestyle Photos Kim:
There are just some places you walk into and feel a certain sense of nostalgia, for one reason or another. The first time I visited the Harmony Hotel in Nosara, Costa Rica there was just something about this place. But, I couldn’t put my finger on it. Was it Harmony’s laid back vibe or its beautiful, jungle gardens? I couldn’t get Harmony out of my head until I went back for a second time, a couple months later. And then that wave of nostalgia hit, but this time in full force. I was suddenly taken back to my childhood beach vacations visiting my grandparents in Antigua, West Indies. More specifically, to the clubhouse at Mill Reef.
Every year, my family vacationed to visit my grandparents on the tropical island of Antigua – not too bad, huh?! My grandparents lived in an awesome beach and golf community named Mill Reef. Since my family usually vacationed to Antigua during low season, my brother and I had free reign at Mill Reef as not many people were around. We would play on the main beach at Mill Reef all day, and occasionally run up the steep stairway steps from the beach to the main open air clubhouse to play hide and seek. The clubhouse even had books and board games for us to play with. Needless to say, my brother and I entertained ourselves all day, inside and outside, sans iPhone! That wave of nostalgia at Harmony Hotel took me straight back to Mill Reef.
Funny thing is, I don’t know exactly why I feel this sense of nostalgia and belonging at Harmony. Perhaps it is the open air hotel grounds, the tropical furnishings, or the beautiful gardens, all similar to those at Mill Reef. No matter what, every time I visit Nosara, it only feels right that I visit Harmony, at least for a great meal! So when a couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to do some lifestyle photos in Nosara, I knew right away that Harmony Hotel was going to be on my shot list. AND how cool is it that these photos were photographed with a hand-me-down lens from my parents, a Nikkor 28mm 2.8 from the 1970s?!?!

When the model starts photographing the photographer! Behind the scenes walking through the beautiful gardens at the Harmony Hotel.
From the secret pathway leading to Harmony from the beach to the jungle gardens, Harmony Hotel is a photographer’s dream to photograph. Throw in a couple of gals that love to take photos, in addition to yours truly, and an afternoon of photographic adventures ensues! Christina, Stephanie, and I for sure could not pass up an opportunity to capture photos of our precious pooches in front of an uber cool aquamarine backdrop!
Besides capturing some really stunning photos of a beautiful friend, the highlight of our Harmony Hotel adventure was poor Gidget getting pricked by an aloe plant! I wish I would have snapped of photo of it, but the poor girl came screaming out of the bushes with an aloe leaf stuck to her fur coat. Good thing I am such a great dog mom, because I almost was on the ground rolling with laughter at the site of Gidget trailing an aloe leaf larger than her!
Pura Vida,
P.S. Love these photos? Check out more of my Lifestyle Photography in Nosara, Costa Rica!
P.P.S. Kim is wearing a surf bikini by MI OLA (Pin-up Top and Striped Boyshort Bottoms), as well as bikinis by Acacia Swim.