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Family Photos at Palmetto Bluff – Graney Family

Cata teared up with tears of joy. Tears of joy as I showed her a couple of frames of her little boy Benjamin on the back of my camera from our impromptu family photo session at the Montage Palmetto Bluff. A couple of months ago Cata and I virtually met after I second photographed a wedding Cata designed with Meghan at Mil Besos, Amy + AJ. As luck would have it, Cata lives oh-so-close to Savannah in Bluffton, South Carolina, so we just had to meet! After a couple of months of scheduling, then rescheduling, finally we found a day – – a gorgeous blue sky, Southern fall day, where the chaos of moving homes or a hurricane couldn’t interfere.

Mom kissing her young son at the Montage Palmetto Bluff in Bluffton, South Carolina. Photographed by Savannah Family Photographer, Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Young boy playing on the dock at Palmetto Bluff, South Carolina. Photographed by Savannah Family Photographer, Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Young boy playing with his parents at the Montage Palmetto Bluff in Bluffton, South Carolina. Photographed by Savannah Family Photographer, Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

We planned to meet for an afternoon drink and eats at the Montage Palmetto Bluff, followed by a mini session for portraits of Cata to use for Mil Besos’s beautiful new website. But as soon as I met her adorable son, Benjamin, I just couldn’t help myself. Little Ben instantly won me over with his cute wave and coy smile. Surrounded by a gorgeous landscape at Palmetto Bluff and taking advantage of the afternoon golden light, Cata, her husband Robert, and little Ben radiated with happiness. Tears of joy welled up in Cata’s eyes and I couldn’t have asked for way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

Black and white family portrait at the Montage Palmetto Bluff in Bluffton, South Carolina. Photographed by Savannah Family Photographer, Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Mom playing with her young son at the Montage Palmetto Bluff in Bluffton, South Carolina. Photographed by Savannah Family Photographer, Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Young boy driving a golf cart sitting on his father's lap in Palmetto Bluff, South Carolina. Photographed by Savannah Family Photographer, Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Young boy and his father playing on the dock in Palmetto Bluff, South Carolina. Photographed by Savannah Family Photographer, Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Those tears of joy from Cata filled me with such joy – – seeing my clients radiate such happiness is why I’m so passionate about my work. I floated with excitement driving home to Savannah after saying goodbye to little Ben and his parents. That night I received one of those most beautiful emails from Cata – – her words and emotions that jumped off the screen were so beautiful.

“I really teared up seeing Benjamin captured through your lens.  I love that little boy so much and we have been through so many struggles this last year but I look at him and his happiness and it makes every worry and every sleepless night disappear. Now I just have happy tears. Thanks for giving me happy tears today.”

Young boy loving riding in the golf cart with his parents at the Montage Palmetto Bluff in Bluffton, South Carolina. Photographed by Savannah Family Photographer, Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Mother and her 18-month old son playing at the Montage at Palmetto Bluff in Bluffton, South Carolina. Photographed by Savannah Family Photographer, Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Young boy playing with his parents at the Montage Palmetto Bluff in Bluffton, South Carolina. Photographed by Savannah Family Photographer, Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Portrait of Cata Ulloa, wedding designer for Mil Besos, in Palmetto Bluff, South Carolina. Photographed by Savannah Family Photographer, Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Young boy having a great time playing with his parents at the Montage Palmetto Bluff in Bluffton, South Carolina. Photographed by Savannah Family Photographer, Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Young boy playing in the grass at the Montage Palmetto Bluff in Bluffton, South Carolina. Photographed by Savannah Family Photographer, Kristen M. Brown, Samba to the Sea Photography.

Cata’s tears of joy and her heartfelt email is why I love what I do – – capturing timeless moments. Beautiful, everyday moments like little Ben playing on the dock ramp, driving the golf cart with his dad, or sharing a snuggle with his parents. Real, unscripted, timeless moments.

Cata, thank you so much for sharing a piece of your beautiful family with me!


P.S. Love this impromptu family shoot? Check out my family photography!

P.P.S. Are you itching to get your kids off their iPhones and outside exploring with you? Get the checklist for fun, family outdoor activities in Savannah!

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Family Photos at Palmetto Bluff