Family Beach Photos in Tamarindo – Andrews Family:
Costa Rican rainstorms, a busy schedule due to the Andrews’ family impending move back to the US, nor my jaunt to NY in August could stop me from sneaking in a family mini session for the Andrews before their move as a thank you for referring me to amazing clients, Leila + Milver. Even if we had to shoot in the morning vs my normal sunset hour, Sarita and I were going to find a time that worked! The one minor detail we overlooked was the morning we all were available just so happened to be Sarita’s daughter’s last day of summer vacation. Yes, guilty as charged – – I made Talia wake up early on her last day of summer break! I take full responsibility for the very grumpy Talia on the morning of our scheduled family session. I’m so, so sorry Talia!
Even though the morning sun started to intensify rather quickly, causing some harsher shadows for photos, the Andrews and I enjoyed a beautiful morning on the beach in Tamarindo. And fortunately, I was able to convince the grumpy Talia to join her parents and three dogs on the beach. Yes, I do have some tricks up my sleeve! Tricks as in a promise of a delicious home made waffle breakfast!
I for sure am going to miss seeing Sarita’s smiling face while walking her three dogs on the beach and chatting with Steve in the lineup, but the good news is that the Andrews’ new home in Miami is oh-so-close to my brother’s place. I’m sure we will be seeing each other in Miami, and this time I won’t make Talia wake up so early! XOXO, Kristen P.S. Are you vacationing in Tamarindo, Costa Rica with your family? Check out my family photography!